1. The following Provisional Merit list has been prepared on the criteria as per prevailing KP-TEVTA Regulations.
2. In case, if there is any deficient document mentioned in list against an eligible and qualifying candidate’s name, he/she shall finally bring the concerned documents in original as well photocopies of the same along with himself/ herself for submission to the HR Section, KP-TEVTA Head Office, 5-771 Old Bara Road University Town, Peshawar till 09th JANUARY 2023 failing which will result in their disqualification for the said post.
3. In case of any query, observation & grievance regarding any error or Arithmetic mistake in the Provisional Merit list, the candidates shall also visit HR Section till the above stated date, along with documentary proof of their claim.
4. After the above stated deadline, any request for correction in the list will not be entertained, the lists shall be finalized, and this office will proceed further in the recruitment process accordingly.
5. Screening/written tests have been conducted by third party, i.e. Allied Testing Service (ATS), therefore KP-TEVTA cannot intervene in the scores awarded by them, nor can redress any grievances of the candidates regarding ATS marks.
6. Provisional merit lists for the remaining posts advertised through the same advertisement shall be uploaded shortly in future.
1st Provisional List of Budget Assistant BPS-16 – Download
1st Provisional List of Store Keeper BPS-9 – Download
1st Provisional List of Shop Assistant BPS-7 – Download