Projects and Development/Works Section
P&D / Works Section , has the following Terms of Reference in KP-TEVTA:
- Prepare a blue print of the existing technical education and vocational training facilities pertaining to the infrastructure of the institutions and offices of the Authority.
- Prepare short term and long term institutional development plans, keeping in view the futuristic uplift in the industrial and technical fields.
- Prepare new schemes for inclusion in the Annual Development Program of the Authority as well as Public Sector Development Program of the Federal Govt, submit the same to Strategic Planning Committee for clearance and subsequent approval of the Board.
- Liaise with the concerned quarters at provincial and federal level and follow up for approval of the developmental scheme.
- Undertake project formulation, appraisal and evaluation of the schemes approved by the competent forum.
- Prepare PC-IV of the completed developmental schemes of the Authority and its follow up.
- Carry out feasibility study for identification of sites, prepare detail designs and drawings of the new developmental schemes and prepare detailed cost estimates of the new projects for inclusion in the PC-Is/PC-iis.
- Execute, after approval of the new developmental schemes by the competent forums and release of necessary funds there for, construction work strictly in accordance with the procedure laid down in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules, 2014and the standard criteria contained in the building code.
- Carry out the routine repair and maintenance work of the existing infrastructure of the offices and institutes of the Authority as per provisions of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Rules, 2014.
- Perform such functions as may be assigned to it by the Board for addition, alteration or up gradation of the existing institutions or establishment of new colleges, institutes or centers as per laid down procedure.
- Liaise with Donor organizations to secure funds for developmental projects.
- The Managing Director, within the Authority, shall have the power to approve projects upto the value of Rs. 5.00 million out of TEVTA generated Fund.