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Purchase of Training Material for Government College of Technolgy Nowshera
Purchase of Training Material for Governement Polytechnic Institute (Sajawal Sharif) Mansehra
Tender for Procurement of Plant & Machinery and IT Equipments for the Institutes of Newly Merged Districts under KPTEVTA
Tender for Procurement of Plant & Machinery and IT Equipments for KPTEVTA Institutes
Purchase of Training Materials for Government College of Technology Peshawar
Purchase of Training Material for different workshops of GTVC (B) Ghazi District Haripur
Construction of attached Washroom with Principal Office & Repair of Toilet Block at GATTC, Peshawar
Up gradation of GTVC to the level of GPI at GTVC (B) Chitral
Purchase of Training Material for different workshops of GTVC (B) Ghazi District Haripur
Supply and Installation of 05KWA Solar System at GPI (W) DI Khan